Photos: Ona Eri
The first EDI - Economic Diplomacy and Integrity Forumin Albania was a big success. Inspired by the long history of EDI Forum in
Croatia and a more recent history of EDI seminars in Romania, EDI Albania went
about creating a true movement of change.
80 participants from business, economy, politics,
education, law, engineering and other areas of Albanian society
joined together to speak about principles of Jesus in business and economy, and
how one could follow Jesus in the environment of widespread corruption.
The Forum took lasted for two and a half days in the Hotel Doro City, Tirana;
from March 27th through the 29th.
The 2015 EDI Albania sought to encourage participants to
follow Jesus closely in their businesses and professional lives. Erjona Kulla from
Tirana directed EDI Albania in partnership with the Christian
Young Entrepreneurs & Professionals Partnership for Integrity, ECPM
– European Christian Political Movement, the Wilberforce Foundation, Sotmeria, NeJ
Foundation, and the SGP Party of the Netherlands, as
well as with Forum for Leadership and Reconciliation from USA.
Participants were encouraged by Jack Fallow, former CEO
of UK Gas Force; Lars Rise, ex-MP of Norway; Maria van Oost, SGP General Secretary,
and local speakers who gave professional advice and taught from the
perspective of Jesus. Participants were eager to discuss the presentation in
small groups and workshops. They discussed about how to follow Jesus outside the
church walls - in their careers, politics and business. A follow-up meeting is
planned for May 22, and then other follow-ups, one every three months.
Justin Kagin, EDI Forum Director
Nice post!